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Getting rejected by recruiters.

6th September, 2023.

I started applying for various jobs. I had set a notification on Linkedin for any Sales Development job opening.

Initially I didn't get any responses. Whenever there was a new job apoening I simply applied via Linkedin. I had a below average resume that I attached with the application.

Soon I realized I have to stand-out in the crowd. How can I do that? Well, I started writing personalised emails to recruiters. As soon as I saw a job posting I would go on the company's Linkedin page and find the HR / the talent acquisition manager / the CEO of the company and write a personlised email.

Nothing happend....

Did it again,

and nothing.....

again, nothing, again nothing....

And finally I got an email from one HR. They said I really stood out and wanted to invite me to an interview! I was super happy. I thought getting a job is EASY!

Totally f'd up in the interview. They asked me tell me something about yourself, I started telling them my whole life story hahahaha.

15th September, 2023.

At this point I had mastered the art of getting the recruiter's attention. I had been invited to multiple interviews. But, I was being rejected every time.

I had given 9 interviews but no one gave me a shot.

After all these interviews I was attracted to a new opportunity. The Shiny Object!

Tried that! Nothing happened.

Learning: Stick to one thing. Finish what you start.

Started applying again. Watched tons of videos on how to crack an interview. Got better. Practiced all the possible questions. Finally, got selected by a company.

Lesson: Any time in business, you feel like nothing is happening, just stick to it. Because when you stick to something for a long time, you get better at it, you learn from your mistakes and finally you achieve what you want.

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